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Interventions of ADHD

Characteristics of ADHD

Interventions of Autism Aspergers

Characteristics of Autism Aspergers

Characteristics of ADHD

Interventions of ADHD

Interventions of ADHD

Characteristics of ADHD

Interventions of Autism Aspergers

Characteristics of Autism Aspergers

Characteristics of ADHD

Characteristics of Autism Aspergers

Interventions of Autism Aspergers

Characteristics of Autism Aspergers

Language Therapy


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for anxiety and agitation


Delayed speech and language skills

Maintain structure in daily activities to minimize disruption

Provide a routine schedule

Severe impaired Social Interaction

Stereo typed motor behaviors(hand flapping, body twisting and head banging)


Give positive reinforcements

Upset by minor changes in routine

Avoid stimulating or distracting environments
