New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

Your mom asked you to go to bed, but you get a consequence for not following instructions.

Your mom asked you to help her make dinner for the whole family. You did not follow instructions and get a consequence.

Your mom asked you to help her make dinner for the whole family. You followed instructions and earned dessert!

Mr. Jones asks his students to take out their journal and finish their work.

Mr. Jones asked his students to first write their names and dates on their paper using pencil, then begin their writing assignment. When you get your paper back it shows you lost points on your grade.

Mr. Jones ask you to take a seat at your desk.

School rule: Cell phones must stay put away. You do not follow instructions.

Mr. Jones tells his students to gather their supplies then take a seat at their desks.

School rule: Cell phones must stay put away. You follow instructions.

Mr. Jones asked you to keep your brain in the group during class. After class said you did not follow his instructions.

You wrote your name and date on your paper using pen, then worked hard on your writing assignment and turned it in.

You quickly sharpen your pencil then take a seat at your desk.

You do not understand the instructions, and you react with an expected choice.

You need to make an important call. You ask your teacher for permission to make a quick call, and respect their answer.

You need to make an important call. You take your phone out quickly and put it away right after.

You do not understand the instructions, and you react with an unexpected choice.

You immediately take a seat at your desk, then raise your hand because you want to sharpen your pencil.

You are confused, so you raise your hand and ask a clarifying question then get to work on your assignment.