New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
A . We now consider ourselves to be an independent country . We have no more loyalty to Great Britain and they no longer have the power to rule over us . ( Excerpt ____________________ )

B . When a government takes away the rights of citizens , the citizens have the right to change the government or create a new one . ( Excerpt ____________________ )

C . All people have some basic rights that cannot be taken away . Liberty is one of those rights . ( Excerpt ____________________ )

D . The current ruler of Great Britain has repeatedly interfered with colonists' rights , sometimes even taking them away . He has ruled unfairly over the American colonies . ( Excerpt ____________________ )

E . Governments are formed to make sure people's rights are protected . The power to govern comes from the people . ( Excerpt ____________________ )

F . Every time we colonists felt we were being treated unfairly , we wrote the king . He answered by treating us more unfairly . A ruler who abuses his power should not rule us . ( Excerpt ____________________ )

G . When people break away from a country to form a new nation , they should explain why they are doing it . ( Excerpt ____________________ )