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Depending on their origin , plastics can be classified in ____________________ plastics and synthetic plastics .
a ) Natural plastics are obtained directly from raw vegetable materials - for example , cellulose or latex , or from animal proteins . An example of a natural plastic is rubber .
b ) Synthetic plastics are made from compounds extracted from ____________________ . The majority of plastics belong to this group .
Synthetic plastics are obtained in two stages :
1 ) First , petroleum is transformed in ____________________ into different substances with molecules called ____________________ . Examples of monomers are the ethylene ( etileno ) or the propylene ( propileno ) .
2 ) Then , these monomers go through a chemical reaction called ____________________ , where the monomers ____________________ with each other until a huge molecule ( macromolecule ) is created . This macromolecule is called polymer or plastic . Examples of polymers are the polyethylene ( polietileno , ____________________ ) or the polypropylene ( polipropileno , ____________________ )
During the polymerisation reaction , we can add some additives to obtain plastics with better ____________________ , and we can also add pigments to give them ____________________ .