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Homeowners insurance

Renters insurance

Comprehensive coverage

Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage

Liability coverage

Home inventory

Auto insurance

Personal injury protection (PIP)

Replacement value

Collision coverage

Umbrella liability insurance

A policy that protects a car owner from losses as a result of accidents and other events

A supplement to your basic auto and homeowners coverage that expands limits and includes additional risks

Coverage for medical, hospital and funeral costs of the insured and passengers in the event of an accident, regardless of who is at fault

A policy that protects renters from personal property and liability risks

A policy that protects against damage to your own vehicle if you hit another car or lose control and roll over

A policy that protects property owners from risk of loss to their real and personal property

Protection against damages to your car from causes other than collision or rolling over

A list of items of value in your home; used for insurance purposes

The cost of replacing an item regardless of its actual cash (market) value

Protection against damages caused by a motorist with no or insufficient insurance

Protection against injuries suffered by others while on your property or as a result of your action