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Scrum ( n ) : A ____________________ within which people can address ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , while productively and creatively delivering ____________________ of the highest possible ____________________ .
Scrum is :

? ____________________
? ____________________ to understand
? ____________________ to master

Scrum is a process ____________________ that has been used to manage work on complex ____________________ since the early 1990s . Scrum is ____________________ a process , technique , or ____________________ ____________________ . Rather , it is a framework within which you can employ various processes and techniques . Scrum makes clear the ____________________ ____________________ of your product ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ so that you can ____________________ ____________________ the product , the team , and the working environment .

The Scrum framework consists of Scrum ____________________ and their associated ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________ , and ____________________ . Each component within the framework serves a specific purpose and is essential to Scrum's success and usage .

The rules of Scrum bind together the roles , events , and artifacts , governing the relationships and interaction between them .