New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
I've got ____________________ ____________________ ( high ) grades of my entire class !

The iPhone 11 Pro Max is ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( expensive ) phone I've ever seen .

" It's my eighteenth birthday , so I want ____________________ ____________________ ( big ) party ever ! "

There's a lot of discussion about who ____________________ ____________________ ( good ) comedian is .

I don't like having to wear ____________________ ____________________ ( large ) clothing size !

My girlfriend is amazing ! I'm ____________________ ____________________ ( lucky ) man on the planet !

The ____________________ ( bad ) thing about being a teacher is everyone saying we have too much free time !

Being ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( popular ) person in school doesn't matter once you're older !

Pluto is ____________________ ____________________ ( small ) planet in our solar system .

ACTION is said to be ____________________ ____________________ ( cheap ) store in Belgium .

I'm the first born , so I'm ____________________ ____________________ ( old ) .

I try to be ____________________ ____________________ ( friendly ) I can be .