New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
It's ____________________ early in the morning and I'm ____________________ ____________________ . It's also very cold and ____________________ . There are ____________________ ____________________ ? a dog is barking and there are ____________________ ____________________ cars on the road , but it's ____________________ ____________________ than during the day . With me is Jim Nightingale , and he is the reason I'm ____________________ ____________________ early . He passes me a hot cup of coffee . ? Not long to wait now , ? he says . I hope he's ____________________ .
After a few minutes there is a very ____________________ ____________________ in the east , and then I hear a bird singing . It sings very ____________________ and very ____________________ . ? That's the robin , ? says Jim . A few more birds start singing with the robin and Jim knows the names of them ____________________ . Half an hour later and there are more and ____________________ birds singing , it's very loud ! ____________________ , all around us the air is ____________________ with the sound of ____________________ . This is the dawn chorus , and it's ____________________ .