New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

Spill the beans

Be in a pickle.

The apple of one's eye.

Go bananas

Be like two peas in a pod.

Bring home the bacon

All beer and skittles

Belt the grapes

Have eggs in one's face

A hard nut to crack.

Have a bigger fish to fry

Get another bite at the cherry.

Take the cake

Butter someone up

Wake up and smell the coffee.

All fun, easy and pleasant.

To go crazy or very angry

A difficult problem to deal with

To look stupid or embarrassed

To be extra nice with someone.

To be most annoying/surprising thing that someone has done

To get a second chance at something

To drink wine/liquor heavily and become intoxicated.

Have more important things to do.

To be very similar

Be in a difficult situation

To reveal something secret

A person that is adored by someone

To pay to what's going

To earn a salary