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Nathan and Jackie found the perfect necklace to buy for grandma but when Nathan saw the large number on the price tag he realized it would cost him an arm and a leg.

Colin always refused to eat broccoli. One day, he decided to try something new and told his mom, "I've had a change of heart. I'll try the broccoli."

Devon's best friend Damian told him that he had a great idea about where to go on their next bike ride. Devon was curious and said, "I'm all ears."

Molly had a birthday party. Her dad gave her an unexpected gift. She opened the box and it was a new laptop. Molly cheered, "This is the icing on the cake!"

Ben arrived at his new school, which was completely different than his last one. Everything was unfamiliar and he felt like a fish out of water.

He changed his mind.

He felt uncomfortable.

It was really expensive.

It was an added benefit to something already good.

He was ready to listen.