New Activity
Play Matching Pairs





in media res

double entendre


iambic pentameter




deus ex machina


a line of writing that consists of ten syllables in a specific pattern of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable

the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.

to start your story “in the middle of things" -- starting in or into the middle of a narrative or plot, rather than the natural beginning.

a character shares their thoughts about a certain character or past, present, or upcoming event, while talking to themselves without acknowledging the presence of any other person.

the point where a principal character recognizes or discovers another character's true identity or the true nature of their own circumstances.

the circumstance where an implausible concept or a divine character is introduced into a storyline, for the purpose of resolving its conflict and procuring an interesting outcome.

a play on words that produces a humorous effect by using a word that suggests two or more meanings, or by exploiting similar sounding words that have different meanings.

a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine.

a sudden reversal of fortune or change in circumstances; a turning point

a long speech by a character in the presence of other characters.

a particular way of wording that is devised to be understood in two ways, having a double meaning. The second meaning is often sexual.

a main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work, which may be stated directly or indirectly.

a character that shows qualities that are in contrast with the qualities of another character. The objective is to highlight the traits of the other character.