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Homologous chromosomes are pulled to opposite sides of the cell

Anaphase II

Two new haploid cells are produced, each containing chromosomes with sister chromatids

Tetrads line up in the middle of the cell

Prophase II

A total of four haploid cells are produced, each containing chromosomes but no chromatids


Anaphase I

Crossing Over

Metaphase II

DNA replicates, creating sister chromatids

Random chance decides whether a chromosome is pulled to one side of a cell or the other

Metaphase I

Independent Assortment

Telophase I (& Cytokinesis)

Individual chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell

Genetic information is "traded" between the chromatids of homologous chromosomes

Individual chromosomes attach to spindle fibers ; not much else happens

Sister chromatids are pulled to opposite sides of the cell

Telophase II (& Cytokinesis)

Prophase I

Homologous chromosomes form tetrads; Crossing over occurs