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Positive and effective coping strategies

Part of a strong social support system

Warning signs of possible suicidal behavior

Crisis line for Service members and veterans

Personal qualities and resources that can help protect you from suicidal thoughts, feelings and actions.

Positive personal traits

Dangerous items which should be secured from a person who might be a danger to themselves or others

One way to manage risks and vulnerabilities.

Secure dangerous items to prevent a fleeing suicidal impulse from turning tragic.

1-800-273-8255 (press 1 for military) or text 838255 for 24/7 crisis support or chat online at

Anger management, conflict resolution, stress and anxiety management, relationship building, relaxation, mindfulness and communication

Positive attitude toward seeking help when needed, impulse control and good problem solving, coping and conflict management skills

Increased substance use (including alcohol and cigarettes), feeling hopeless, feeling no sense of purpose or having no reason for living, anger, rage, seeking revenge, reckless and risky behavior, isolating, loss if interest, trouble sleeping, guilt or shame and feeling trapped with no way out

Strong bonds with family, members of your unit and the community.

Firearms, ammunition, medications and household poisons.

Having good resilience and effective, and healthy coping skills