New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
How long do you ____________________ online every day ?
Is this increasing at the ____________________ ? And when you're ____________________ , what do you do there ? ____________________ with friends , listen to music , watch ____________________ , play games , send ____________________ ? Can you do them all at the same time ? The ____________________ is transforming our society too . It has a huge impact on culture , politics and business . Now there are ? screenagers' who live most of their lives in the ____________________ world . Some people spend more time online than with their families ! And this is the country where people are ____________________ more than anywhere else in the world : South Korea . Here you can ____________________ the internet very easily , and it's really ____________________ . You can download ____________________ ten times quicker here than in most countries in the world . Even young children of three to five years old use the internet and spend eight hours a week online . Then there are teenagers ____________________ the internet for eighteen hours a day . ____________________ say that if you take away the internet from these teens , they start to feel ____________________ and unhappy . So , is Korea creating a nation of screen ____________________ ? And will your country be like this in just two or three years' time ?