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Play Matching Pairs

excessive grouping of artificial lights, frequently occurring in urban areas. Example: large parking lots (such as car dealerships) and areas around a sports stadium.

illumination of the night sky often associated with the artificial lights of cities and other urban areas

colliding with lighted towers, high rise buildings, turbans, and other structures; continuously flying near source of light until exhaustion and or death; steering off course and not reaching intended destination

attracted to light sources-waste energy ceiling light throughout the night; interference with mating and migration behaviors; increased susceptibility to predation

the presence of excessive bright light that causes discomfort and interferes with depth perception. Example: bright LED billboards on highways

decreased reproduction; reduced foraging for food; confusion and disorientation, increasing susceptibility to predators and other threats

decreased reproduction; difficulty in foraging for food; increased visibility to predators; impairment of night vision

excessive, misdirected, or intrusive artificial light

disorientation; decreased appetite and feeding behavior; reduced mating; increased susceptibility to predation and other threats

occurs when light spills into areas where it is not needed, wanted, or intended such as into neighbors windows

Light trespass

Nocturnal reptiles

Nocturnal mammals (raccoon, deer)

Nocturnal or migrating birds and bats


Sky Glow


Moths and other insects

Light Pollution
