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Vera Wang Fashion Designer

Dr. Seuss Children's Author and Illustrator

Stephen Spielberg Movie Director with 2 Best Picture Academy Awards

Abraham Lincoln 16th President of the United States

Michael Jordan Famous Athlete

Oprah Winfrey Talk Show Host

Walt Disney The creator of Mickey Mouse

Mark Zuckerberg CEO of Facebook

Charles Shultz Creator of Peanuts Comic Strip

Colonel Sanders Founder of KFC

Thomas Edison Inventor of the Light Bulb

Had a recipe that was rejected from more than 1,000 restaurants

Thrown out of school because his teacher said he couldn't learn

Was a figure skater who did not make the Olympics, Then she worked for a fashion magazine for 15 years and did not receive the promotions she wanted.

Did not make his high school varsity basketball team until his junior year

Lost 8 Elections

First book was rejected by more than 20 different publishers

Dropped out of Harvard University

Was told he had no talent for drawing

None of the cartoons he made for his high school yearbook were published

Was turned down (twice!) by the film school he wanted to attend

Received a demotion- opposite of a promotion!- in her first TV news job