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Many of us still don't think that we need to ____________________ . Sometimes choosing the correct ____________________ to put our ____________________ in and emptying them feels like too much effort . Realistically , ____________________ our rubbish is not that difficult and only takes a few minutes of our time . In some countries people receive money for items that they recycle , mainly ____________________ and ____________________ bottles . Encouraging ____________________ through enabling people to earn money has raised awareness of the importance of recycling and people doing this often want to recycle other items .
Sometimes it is hard to understand why recycling helps the ____________________ . The main principal is that recycling saves the ____________________ that would be otherwise required to produce ____________________ products again . Production along with other polluting factors such as transport is increasing the levels of harmful ____________________ in the ____________________ and this is causing the global temperature to rise . As a result , ____________________ patterns have changed in some areas , which have had devastating effects such as more natural ____________________ and problems in farming and agriculture .
What we can recycle varies in different places . In Reading , my hometown in the UK , I can recycle paper , ____________________ , plastic and glass ____________________ , cans and batteries . When I moved to university in Chester I discovered that there I could also recycle clothes , ____________________ , electrical items , ink cartridges , mobile phones , plastic pots and foil . I also had a ____________________ bin for food waste such as meat , fish , fruit , vegetables , tea bags and food waste and another bin for garden waste . I am now currently living in Melilla , an area of Spanish territory on the north ____________________ of Africa . Here I can only recycle paper , ____________________ and glass . It it difficult for me to put something into the general waste when I know I can recycle it somewhere else .