New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
When 1 ) ____________________ watch too much TV they become lazy and unfit . They sit on the sofa and they don't even get up to change the 2 ) ____________________ . They use the 3 ) ____________________ control .
Mat hasn't got a 4 ) ____________________ life . He watches TV all day , he never goes out and he has no friends .
Suleiman is my favourite TV 5 ) ____________________ . I watch it every evening .
Please , stay one more hour to keep me 6 ) ____________________ . I hate staying at home alone .
Julia is a chocolate 7 ) ____________________ ! She eats too much every day ! She can get sick from all that chocolate !
We've got our 8 ) ____________________ on the roof .
Stop 9 ) ____________________ at the computer screen and come here to help me !
There are no adverts on TV for cigars . They 10 ) ____________________ them many years ago .