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They cause rapid drop/rise in temperatures. They may pull heat from places to make another place warm, making the place it pulled from cold.

A way that the earth releases energy. They are shaped like a funnel, and can cause a lot of damage, but typically small.

It is caused by human action: dumping industrial waste, climate change which decreases oxygen level in waters, or deforestation.

In water distribution, they take up 69.5 percent of the freshwater on Earth.

They are the frontal boundary between air temp/pressure and humidity. Four types in total: cold, warm, stationary and occluded.

A hole/hollow on the ground that provides a passage for water to disappear underground. They are caused by the erosion of water.

Artificial lakes that are used to as a water supply source.

Clouds are formed by the cooling of the rising warm air. There are three types of clouds: high, mid, and low level clouds.

It is the measure of the forces with which air molecules push on a surface.

A way that the earth releases energy. They form when warm, moist air rises into cold air. Hint: Loud

A way that the earth releases energy. They are extremely big, can spread up to hundreds of miles across. It has a low-pressured eye. Their speed is at least 75 mph.

Lands that are periodically wet, they are common when land meets water. Their sizes can vary. For example, swamps and marshes.

Travels beneath ground level, trapped in aquifers. Can be pumped above ground for irrigation and drinking.

It is the excessive amount of particles released into the Earth’s atmosphere. Caused by factories, emission from vehicles, volcanos, etc.