New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Go ____________________ ? This is an activity people do to spend time and sleep outdoors , you can sleep in a tent
Catch ____________________ ____________________ ? People do this as a sport or to provide food . It's out in the water and on a boat , what is it ?
See ____________________ ? I am a word that generally describes animals like lions , giraffes , monkeys , and whales ? what activity Is this
Have ____________________ ? This typically happens when you are with your friends
Find ____________________ ? My material is used to make cloth , canoes , and ropes . You have to do this to be able to build houses and shelter
Make ____________________ ____________________ ? A spirited jig it dances bright , Banishing all but darkest night .
Eat ____________________ - I am smooth and sweet and fun to put in your cocoa drink
Drink ____________________ ____________________ ? Spainirds drink this with churros
Wear ____________________ - Although I am not cereal , I get sold in a box . I'm something you wear on your feet , but not a pair of socks
Sleep in ____________________ ____________________ - If you want to camp outdoors , this will protect you from the rai n