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The last 100 years have seen a massive ____________________ increase in the population , due to medical ____________________ , lower mortality rates , and an increase in agricultural ____________________ .
The annual increase in the number of living humans peaked at 88 . 0 million in 1989 . In 2017 , the human population increased by 83 million . ____________________ nations have seen a decline in their growth rates in recent decades . Annual growth rates remain above 2% in ____________________ countries of the Middle East and Sub - Saharan Africa , and also in South Asia , Southeast Asia , and Latin America .
In some countries the population is ____________________ , especially in Eastern Europe , mainly due to low ____________________ rates and emigration . Some ____________________ Europe countries might also experience population decline . Japan's population began decreasing in 2005 .
The United ____________________ projects world population to reach 11 . 2 billion by the end of the ____________________ century . A 2014 study in the journal Science concludes that the global population will reach 11 ____________________ by 2100 , with a 70% chance of continued growth into the 22nd century .