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Hypochondria isn't a new phenomenon . The word hypochondriac was first used in the late 16th century to describe a person who was continually ____________________ that he or she was ____________________ . In the past , hypochondriacs had to work hard to find information about the ____________________ which they imagined that they had . The only sources of information were books or ____________________ . Now , with the Internet at their ____________________ , hypochondriacs can get all the information they need within a few seconds .
Hypochondria usually starts to develop when a person is in his or her 20s or 30s , and it affects men and women equally . At first , it might just seem to be a peculiar character trait , but it can turn into an ____________________ .
Many people think that hypochondriacs are pretending to be ____________________ and are trying to get attention , however , according to Dr Barsky , this is not true . He says that they really are ____________________ that they are ill . While a normal , ____________________ person may treat an upset ____________________ as no more than that , ? a hypochondriac , on the other hand , might be convinced he or she has got ____________________ . What for some people may be ? just a ____________________ could be a possible brain ____________________ for a hypochondriac .
Many doctors are worried about the increase in the use of the Internet by hypochondriacs . Much of the ____________________ - related information that is found on the Internet is not reliable . The problem is that hypochondriacs are not always careful about where they find their information and don't always check that it really comes from a doctor .
In fact , some hypochondriacs are almost addicted to looking up ____________________ on the Internet and the results are often very worrying . Dr Barsky's advice is simple . ? If it's just going to make you ____________________ , ? he says , ? don't do it . ?