New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

2) What happened?

8) Me too! Maybe we can buy a lottery ticket, just like Tom.

5) Wow! That's unbelievable! That's a lot of money. What a lucky guy!

6) Do you know what he's going to do with the money?

3) About Tom? Come on, what's the story?

4) No way! You're kidding me! He never buys lottery tickets.

7) Yes, that's a possibility. He's always said he would love to visit other countries.

1) Hi, Peter! You look surprised. What's up?

I have no idea! But I guess he will travel around the world.

He's a lucky guy indeed!

I've just heard some amazing news about Tom

Well, I was watching TV and you won't believe it, but he won first prize in the lottery!

Hi Susan! You'll never believe this!

Seriously. I swear it's true. I saw him collecting the check for 500.000 dollars.

That's a good idea! Who knows? We could be the next lottery winners!

I wish I were him! I'd love to travel, too.