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1 Also called fast twitch A fibers are red muscle fibers that contain a high myoglobin and blood vessel count and they are fairly resistant to fatigue, and as a result are not able to maintain this tension for as long as slow oxidative fibers.
2 Also called fast twitch B fibers are white muscle fibers with a low myoglobin content and unlike the other muscle fiber types, fast glycolytic fibers fatigue very quickly.
3 Also called slow twitch fibers are red muscle fibers commonly found in the muscles of the back. These fibers are the smallest in diameter and are relatively weak but are very resistant to fatigue, and as a result, are capable of providing sustained muscle contractions.
4 A fast, brief contraction of a muscle following a single stimulus and how strong the stimulus is depends on the amount of motor neurons recruited
5 Fibers tend to generate ATP at a faster pace than slow twitch fibers and are found in smaller muscles, such as the intrinsic muscles of the eye.
6 A thick layer of connective tissue that groups the muscle fibers into fascicles and also protects the fascicle from damage and contains capillaries and nerve fibers to allow nutrient transfer within the muscle.
7 The plasma membrane of a muscle fiber and it receives electrical stimuli and conducts an action potential to the internal structure of the muscle fiber through the transverse tubules.
8 A thin layer of connective tissue that surrounds each muscle fiber.
9 A unit consists of a somatic motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers it innervates, and the more motor units recruited, the stronger a contraction will be.
10 A sheet of thick connective tissue that surrounds the entirety of a skeletal muscle. It separates the muscle from surrounding tissues and organs.