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How do you like your new look, Scott?

Cindy, do you like Scott's new look? He looks very different!

Scott, you chose a completely different look for Cindy. How do you like it?

What do you think about your new look, Cindy?

Well , I kind of like it. I'm not used to wearing pants like these, but they're just as comfortable as my jeans. And Cindy made a good choice with the suede jacket. It's cool. Yeah, I don't look as scruffy as I did!

I like it a lot. I tried as hard as I could to find a style that suits her personality better. Her hair looks great. I mean, l don't usually like short hair as much as long hair, but it looks good on her, I think. And I like the dress on her. She looks great.

Yes, I really like it. He doesn't pay as much attention to his appearance as he should. Actually, the pastel shirt I chose doesn't look as good on him as the bright colors he usually wears. I don't think I like pastels that much, after all. But overall , he looks a lot better! I like his hair short like that.

I love it! I don't usually wear these colors, but this dress is really nice. I like it. I wouldn't usually wear this much makeup - I try to get ready as quickly as I can in the morning - but it looks good. I'm really pleased.