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1 A muscle that lies between the external and innermost muscles. The fibers run obliquely backwards from the bottom of one rib to the top of the adjacent rib. The origin is the Ribs and costal cartilages 1-11: inferior borders. And insertion Ribs 2-12: superior borders.
2 Muscle that occupies the body of the ischium and leaves the pelvis via the lesser sciatic notch and functions to abduct and laterally rotate the femur. The origin is Hip: internal margins of the obturator foramen, Hip: ischium. And the insertion is Femur: greater trochanter.
3 A muscle of the shoulder joint and shoulder girdle., an example of this muscle working is raising your arm. The origin is T7-T12: spinous processes. Hip bone: iliac crest. Ribs 9-12. And the insertion is Humerus: intertubercular groove.
4 A muscle of the anterior chest wall that acts on the shoulder joint which functions to rotate the humerus, extends the shoulder joint from a flexed position and flexes it from an extended position. The origin is Clavicle: medial end, Sternum. Costal cartilages 1-6 and the origin is Humerus: intertubercular groove.
5 A strap-like muscle on the front of the abdomen and has three tendinous intersections in each belly form the 'six-pack'. The origin is Hip bone: pubis and insertion: Sternum: xiphoid process. Costal cartilages 5-7.
6 This system functions to stabilize joints, helps with body movements, and maintain body position Rectus abdominis - A strap-like
7 A large, quadrilateral mass of muscle that forms the shape of the buttock and functions to extend and abduct the hip. (butt muscle) The origin is Hip: posterolateral ilium and the insertion is Femur: gluteal tuberosity. Iliotibial tract.
8 A long, thick muscle that lies on the posterior abdominal wall and forms a conjoined tendon with iliacus, an example of this muscle working would be raising your knee. The origin is T12 - L5. and the insertion is Femur: lesser trochanter.
9 Large, triangular muscle on the back of the neck, shoulders, and upper back, an example of this muscle working would be shrugging your shoulders. The origin is Occipital bone: external protuberance. Nuchal ligament. C7-T2. And the insertion is Clavicle and Scapula.
10 The muscular belly of the sacrospinous ligament, it contributes to the back of the pelvic diaphragm which functions to support organs and resists increased intra-abdominal pressure. The origin is Ischium: spine. Pelvic surface of the sacrospinous ligament and the origin is Coccyx.