New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
a ) ? Nobody in the world will need more space than 650 KB ?
In 1981 Bill Gates describing ____________________

b ) ? They are interesting toys but of no military value ?
Marshall Foch on ____________________

c ) Who the hell wants to hear actors talk ? ?
H . M Warner , Warner Brothers , 1927 , on ____________________

d ) ? This kind of music will be gone by June . ?
Variety magazine talking about ____________________

e ) ? It won ? t last because people will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night ? -
Darryl Zanuck , movie producer , 20th century Fox , 1946 talking about ____________________

f ) ? Nuclear - powered ones will probably be a reality in ten years ?
Alex Lewyt , president of the Lewyt Corp ____________________ company , in the New York Times , 1955

g ) " It will flop - because women like to get out of the house , like to handle merchandise , like to be able to change their minds . "
TIME Magazine , 1966 on ____________________ .

h ) " There's no chance that it will get any significant market share . No chance . " - Steve Ballmer , CEO of Microsoft on ____________________ .

i ) We don't like their sound , and guitar music is on the way out . " - - Decca Recording Co . rejecting ____________________ 1962 .

j ) " The abdomen , the chest , and the brain will forever be shut from the intrusion of the wise and humane surgeon . " Sir John Eric Ericksen , British 1873 on ____________________