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Play Crossword Puzzle
1 A theater stage with a structure in front of the stage that frames the action of the play. It can be square or arched, and the stage curtain is generally directly behind it. What most people think of as a "theater"..
2 A stage that extends into the audience on three sides and is connected to the backstage area by its upstage.
3 a normally unobstructed line of sight between an intended observer, or audience member, and a subject of interest, such as the actors.
4 A sloping stage which is raised at the back end. It resembles a ramp.
5 A stage characterized by a central stage surrounded by audience on all sides.
6 A background device employed to cover the back and sometimes the sides of the stage and used with special lighting to create the illusion of sky, open space, or great distance at the rear of the stage setting
7 A long, low piece of stage scenery, built to simulate part of a landscape, a building, a fence, etc.
8 A simple performance space, that varies in size, and is usually a square room with black walls and a flat floor.
9 A painted cloth that hangs in the back of the stage to indicate scenery.
10 The sudden extinguishing of all stage lights in a theater to indicate the passage of time or to mark the end of an act or scene.
11 A piece of scenery used to conceal a part of the stage from the audience.
12 A theatrical device for scene changes, or shifts, by which three or more settings are constructed on a turntable around a central pivot and revolved before the audience.
13 A piece of woven fabric used for creating the illusion of a solid wall or backdrop when lit from the front, but when lit from the back it becomes almost transparent.
14 A mobile platform that is used to support and transport movable, three-dimensional theatrical scenery on a theater stage.
15 A stencil or template placed inside or in front of a light source to control the shape of the emitted light.