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study of geometric figures and constructions using a coordinate system

He discovered the connection between algebra and geometry.

A Greek mathematician who developed coordinate geometry and derived the formula for the area of a circle

an extension of Euclid's principles of geometry to 3 dimensional objects (also called hyperbolic or elliptic geometry)

deals with the relationships between geometric figures and the images (or mappings) that result from projecting them onto another surface (examples: shadows cast by objects and movies displayed on screens)

An example of this would be a geometry based on the graphics displayed on a computer screen, where the pixels are considered to be the points.

author of Elements; considered the father of Geometry

where the earliest use of Geometry was found

He brought the geometric knowledge of the Egyptians to the Greeks and was the first to attempt to justify geometric statements using reason instead of intuition and experimentation.

He is responsible for the most recent development in geometry (fractal geometry).

the most commonly known geometry (what is taught in schools, particularly in lower grades)

Their discoveries include curves, area of surfaces, and volumes of solids. They went from a trial and error thought process to logical deductions.

They demonstrated a practical knowledge of geometry through surveying and construction projects. (The Nile river overflowed very year, and the river banks would have to be re-surveyed).

branch of geometry that studies planes, lines and surfaces in a 3 dimensional space using the principles of calculus


Euclidean Geometry

Projective Geometry

Non-Euclidean Geometry




Finite Geometry

Analytic Geometry


differential geometry


