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When threatened, this creature can foam at the mouth, emit a terrible smell, and go into a coma-like state to convince predators it’s not a tasty meal choice.

This creature breaks its own bones to make claws come out of its feet like Wolverine.

This organism’s stench is so bad it can cause temporary blindness.

When threatened, this organism throws up the entire contents of its stomach to gross out its enemies.

When threatened, this organism can turn inside out to poison enemies with its toxic insides

This creature’s babies cover themselves in their own poisonous poop for protection.

When threatened, this organism oozes slime that suffocates it attacker.

When threatened, this organism pushes its ribs through its skin as weapons.

When threatened, it can spray blood from its eyes.

When threatened, this organism explodes and sprays poison over its enemy

When threatened, this organism punches using stinging sea anemones attached to its claws.

This creature sprays boiling hot acid out of its behind when threatened.