New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . When making ____________________ , you should use all five senses .

2 . During the ____________________ phase of the scientific method , you should determine whether or not your hypothesis was proven or disproven .

3 . During the research phase of the scientific method , you should always make sure that your resources are ____________________ .

4 . In order to begin the scientific method , you must first establish a ____________________ .

5 . A ____________________ is worthless if it cannot be tested .

6 . During the ____________________ phase of the scientific method , make sure your experiments revolve around your hypothesis .

7 . When writing the ____________________ , you should be sure that anyone can understand the problem you attempted to solve , the process in solving it , and what you found out .

8 . When constructing a hypothesis , the more ____________________ your hypothesis , the easier it will be to test it .

9 . The second phase of the scientific method is conducting ____________________ .