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Tay Sachs disease

Angelman Syndrom


Huntington's Disease

Marfan syndrome

Cystic Fibrosis

Familial adenomatous polyposis

Ehlers-Danlos syndrom

G6PD deficiency

Wilson's disease

Autosomal recessive disease affecting lungs and pancreas.

Mutation of NF1 gene, decreased neurofibromin production, tumors, cafe-au-lait spots

Disorder of copper metabolism

Metabolic enzyme, disruption of gene results in RBC hemolysis

Loss of specific genes on chromosome 15, maternal chromosome most affected, developmental delays

Disruption of collagen gene, joint hypermobility, skin hyperelasticity

Autosomal dominant, fibrillin-1 gene; tall, lanky structure, heart murmur

Mutation on chromosome 15, disruption of lysosomal enzyme, cognitive impairment, ganglioside accumulation

Autosomal dominant, adult-onset, degeneration of neuron, movement disfunction

APC gene disrupted, increased risk of colon cancer