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1 This type of spectrophotometer measures absorbance at a single wavelength. To measure absorbance at a different wavelength requires the operator to manually adjust the monochromator setting. The answer is two words, but enter them without a space in between.
2 In single-beam and double-beam spectrophotometers, light from the source passes through this component prior to passing through the sample.
3 What do we call a signal read by the detector when no light is actually hitting it? The answer is two words, but enter them without a space between.
4 A double-beam spectrophotometer simultaneously sends light through a sample cell and a cell. REFERENCE 6. What type of spectrophotometer has a single detector? The answer is two words, but enter them without a space in between.
5 What type of spectrophotometer has two detectors?
6 A double-beam spectrophotometer simultaneously sends light through a sample cell and a _________ cell.
7 This type of bulb emits wavelengths in the ultraviolet range.
8 This type of spectrophotometer can be set to move through a range of wavelengths, measuring absorption at each one.
9 In an array spectrophotometer, light from the source passes through the sample before being dispersed by the _________.
10 A tungsten-halogen bulb emits wavelengths in this wavelength range.
11 This type of spectrophotometer can measure many wavelengths simultaneously.
12 What is one primary advantage that an array instrument has over scanning instruments?