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This system is the source of truth for DHS empanelment. Enrollment files containing PCMH information are uploaded into this system daily.

System used to display assignment information for insurance code 615. Also used to verify non-DHS insurance code 646. This system is 1 of 2 systems that can be used for the source of truth for DHS/non-DHS assignments.

System used to display assignment information for insurance code 644. Also used to verify IHSS coverage. This system is 1 of 2 systems that can be used for the source of truth for DHS/non-DHS assignments.

This system gives you real-time access to verify Medicare coverage. This is the source of truth for Medicare and is often used when there are discrepancies between other systems of verification.

System used to enroll in MHLA and view supporting documents (address verification, ID, etc.).

This system is used to schedule appointments, financially clear visits, etc.. The 270/271 eligibility responses are sent/received in this system.

Eligibility responses in this system are called AEVS. The response will display Medi-Cal, Medicare and Other Health Coverage (OHC). You can also view Aid Codes, County Codes, and Share-of-Cost amounts.