New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
A long time ago , the people of the town of Hamelin ____________________ a big problem . There were to many rats . People ____________________ many things in vain . The chief of the town ____________________ a meeting and said ; " We will ____________________ ten sacks of gold to anybody to ____________________ us from the rats . One day a stranger ____________________ to Hamelin . Then the stranger ____________________ out his pipe and ____________________ playing an odd but wonderful tune . All the rats in the town ____________________ the music and ____________________ to run behind him . As he ____________________ through the streets of Hamelin playing his pipe , more and more rats ____________________ him .
Rats from every corner ____________________ the pied piper and his music . The clever man ____________________ them all to a river .
There , one by one , all the rats ____________________ into the water and ____________________ . Hamelin ____________________ free of rats .