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W.R.I.S.T. crops

Charter of 1732




Mulberry Trees


one of the reasons for Georgia’s founding. To protect the Carolina's from the Spanish threat.

the document that formally established the colony of Georgia; outlines the reasons for Georgia’s founding and the regulations set up by the trustees.

someone who owed more money to creditors than they had. In 18th Century England, creditors could have those who owed them money that could not pay it back immediately placed in debtor’s prisons.

one of the three reasons for Georgia’s founding. The English hoped that Georgia would be able to produce wine, rice, silk, and indigo.

The first capital of Georgia; founded in 1733 by James Oglethorpe.

a plant used to produce a blue dye

An individual or organization that holds or manages and invests assets for the benefit of another. A group of 21 men who established the colony of Georgia. Of the group, only one, James Oglethorpe, came to the colony.

used in the production of silk. The silk worms were placed on the trees and used the leaves as food. The Georgia colonists were required to set aside a portion of their land to grow the trees.

one of the three reasons for Georgia’s founding. James Oglethorpe and the trustees hoped to bring debtors and England’s “worthy poor” to the colony to begin new lives. However, no debtor was ever released from debtors’ prison to come to Georgia. At one time, the term charity was used.

crops produced in the Georgia colony: wine, rice, indigo, silk, and tobacco.