New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . The ____________________ man helped the woman cross the street .
2 . The ____________________ papers were left on the table .
3 . Mark was talking with his ____________________ neighbour .
4 . Is it true that a ____________________ mouse can scare an elephant ?
5 . Leave your ____________________ shoes on the mat by the door .
6 . The ____________________ baby was crying for his bottle .
7 . The ____________________ players scored many goals .
8 . Lydia left her ____________________ backpack at the bottom of the stairs .
9 . Teddy is so ____________________ and he tripped on the sidewalk .
10 . Jenna placed her ____________________ doll carefully on her dresser .
11 . The students were looking forward to the ____________________ summer break .
12 . The ____________________ girl refused to sing in front of the crowd .