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Sickle Cell Anemia
____________________ is a protein found in red blood cells that carries ____________________ . Sickle cell anemia is caused by an abnormal version of the hemoglobin protein . This abnormal version , called hemoglobin S , changes the shape of red ____________________ cells , especially when the cells are exposed to low ____________________ levels . While normal red blood cells are ____________________ - shaped and flexible , red blood cells that contain hemoglobin S become shaped like crescents or ____________________ and are inflexible . These fragile , sickle - shaped cells deliver less oxygen to the body's tissues . They also can get stuck more easily in small blood ____________________ and break into pieces that interrupt healthy blood ____________________ ; interrupted blood flow can cause extreme ____________________ . Other complications of sickle cell disease are anemia ( a shortage of healthy red blood cells ) , fatigue , jaundice and blindness .

Source : National Heart , Lung , and Blood Institute , National Institutes of Health .

Sickle Cell Trait
Sickle cell anemia is inherited from ____________________ parents . That is , individuals who have sickle cell anemia have inherited two copies of the hemoglobin ____________________ gene , one gene from their father and one gene from their mother . In contrast , individuals who inherit one gene for hemoglobin S from one parent and one gene for normal hemoglobin ( A ) from the other parent have sickle cell ____________________ ( SCT ) . People with ____________________ do not have the symptoms of sickle cell anemia , but can be at risk for complications under certain conditions . Also , they can pass on the hemoglobin S gene to their children .

SCT and sickle cell anemia ( also called sickle cell disease ) are much more common in people of African and ____________________ descent . This is because SCT has been shown to provide resistance to ____________________ , a disease spread by mosquitoes that is common in areas where mosquitoes thrive . It is estimated that 1 in 12 African Americans ( roughly 8% ) have SCT .

Source : Colin ML Burnett , CC BY - SA 3 . 0

Most people with SCT do not have any symptoms of sickle cell anemia , although in rare cases people with SCT might experience harmful complications in certain extreme conditions . One such condition is low oxygen levels , which one might encounter while mountain climbing or in cities far above sea level , such as Denver , Colorado . National Football League star Ryan Clark , who has SCT , does not play at Mile High Stadium in Denver in an effort to avoid health complications . ____________________ , a condition where one's body loses too much water , also poses a risk .
Sickle Cell Trait and Athletes
Some people with SCT have been shown to be more likely to experience ____________________ stroke and muscle breakdown when doing intense exercise , such as competitive sports or military - style training , at unfavorable temperatures ( very high or low ) or conditions . In very rare cases , workouts in extreme conditions can lead to ____________________ .

Studies have shown that ____________________ enough water and avoiding getting ____________________ during exercise can reduce the chance of complications . People with SCT who participate in competitive sports , including high school and college level student - athletes , should be careful when training and ____________________ . Experts suggest a number of precautions to prevent SCT - related illness . These include pacing oneself , warming up slowly and resting when needed . In addition , it is advised to drink ____________________ before , during and after exercise and avoid extreme ____________________ and humidity . It is also very important to seek medical care immediately when feeling ill .