New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Use the same word for these three examples

1 ) ____________________ you have the experience , I think you should get the promotion .
2 ) Germany has been a unified republic ____________________ 1990 .
3 ) I started teaching in 1999 and I | ve been doing it ever ____________________ .

Which of the above sentences does " ____________________ " mean " because " ?

Use " consequently " , " as " or " subsequently " in the next sentences .

4 ) ____________________ Henry has the most experience , he should get the job .
5 ) the power went out in the storm and ____________________ the storm got worse .
6 ) The wind picked up and blew at a furious speed and ____________________ the barn was destroyed .
7 ) ____________________ the roof lifted off the house , we knew we were experiencing a hurricane .

Which of the three conjunctions above has two meanings in the same sentence ?

Use the same word to fill gaps in the next sentences .

8 ) It was ____________________ hot we had to cancel out trip to the beach
9 ) We did that ____________________ we would not get sun stroke .
10 ) He is a perfectionist and he needs everything to be arranged just ____________________ .
11 ) Frank moved away just ____________________ he wouldn't have to see his ex - wife in the grocery store .

What is the difference of the meanings in sentence 10 and 11 ?

Use the appropriate words to fill the next 6 gaps

12 ) ____________________ the delays , we arrived in time for the show .
13 ) ____________________ ____________________ of all the warnings from doctors and the WHO Americans still don't wear masks often enough .
14 ) ____________________ I dislike vegetables , I know they are healthy so I eat them ____________________ .
15 ) I She loves to play the piano ____________________ she's not very good at i t