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aluminum and magnesium-based preparations


insulin type used for intravenous drips

ursodeoxycholic acid



insulin type most commonly used for sliding scale coverage

insulin used to achieve long-term glucose control throughout the day

sub-type of antacids that should be avoided in clients with kidney disease

long-term therapy used for clients who are not surgical candidates for gallbladder removal

glargine (Lantus)

form of medication that should not be crushed or chewed

priority nursing care includes auscultation of bowel sounds prior to administering

class of medication that can mask the typical signs/symptoms of low blood sugar

lispro (Humalog/Novolog)

oral antidiabetic medication that increases risk for UTI, genital infection, and orthostatic hypotension

regular (Humulin R)

medication used to protect renal function from IV dye/contrast