New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
____________________ are you going ____________________ do tomorrow ? I ____________________ going to ____________________ homework .
What ____________________ she going to ____________________ on Saturday ? ____________________ is going ____________________ do shopping .
What are ____________________ going to do ____________________ Monday ? They ____________________ going to ____________________ out with friend .
What is she ____________________ to do ____________________ ? She ____________________ going to ____________________ chess .
Are ____________________ going to bake a ____________________ tomorrow ? ____________________ , they ____________________ . ( + )
____________________ she going to go shopping ? ____________________ , ____________________ isn't . ( - )
____________________ you going to ____________________ married on Sunday ? No , ____________________ ____________________ not . ( - )
____________________ he going to ____________________ fishing on Wednesday ? ____________________ , ____________________ is . ( + )