New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

Quantity over Quality

Right to Comfort

Worship of the Written Word


Sense of Urgency


Fear of Open Conflict

“I am being attacked” - People are not willing to bring up microaggressions or other issues for fear of upsetting someone - “Let’s agree to disagree.”

If we aren't making quick gains, it's a waste of time.

People in power are scared of conflict and try to ignore it or run from it - When someone raises an issue that causes discomfort, the response is to blame the person for raising the issue rather than to look at the issue

We won't get through enough content this year due to COVID schedule adjustments.

We don' have enough student data gathered to share with families during Conference Week.

Belief that those who don’t speak up must not care or must not have an opinion - “As a veteran staff member, I think we should…” - “I have been doing this for 25 years, let me tell you what we/you should do.”

People are ok with decisions being made without equitable input - “well if they didn’t vote, they don’t care” - Few voices are heard, especially from women and folks of color - Power is held by white folks