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Many inventions have shaped American ____________________ in the minds of people around the world . One was ____________________ many years ago but is still popular today : Levi's jeans .

Levi Strauss was born in 1829 in Bavaria , ____________________ is part of present day Germany . As a young man he moved to the USA and settled in New York . In 1853 , the young immigrant decided ____________________ he wanted to start his own business . He moved from New York to San Francisco , ____________________ the gold rush was well underway . He travelled across Panama and began trading on 14 March that year .

Unlike many other hopeful travellers , Strauss did not go to California to mine for gold . He sold tents and covers for wagons to the miners . One day ____________________ man asked Strauss if he sold trousers . Looking for gold was hard work and miners needed clothes that ____________________ last . This conversation inspired Strauss to make strong trousers ____________________ for workers .

In 1866 he started selling canvas trousers called Levi's and the miners bought them faster ____________________ Strauss could make them . Strauss soon received a lot of ____________________ on ways to improve his jeans . In 1873 Jacob Davis gave him an idea to make the jeans even stronger by adding metal rivets to the pockets so that they ____________________ not tear . Strauss liked ____________________ idea and decided to use it . However , many people complained that the canvas was ____________________ , so Strauss changed from canvas to a heavy denim material . It was dyed indigo blue and miners liked the new material because
dirty marks did not show on the dark colour .

In 1873 the jeans sold for 22 cents a pair . ____________________ the end of that year , ____________________ for the product had increased dramatically . Strauss opened a factory in San Francisco and hired hundreds of workers to keep up with demand . ____________________ he died in 1902 , the company kept going .

By the 1920s , the miners ____________________ left California and instead cowboys and steel workers ____________________ buying Levi's . It became the ____________________ brand in men's work clothing . In the 1950s , after movie stars Marlon Brando and James Dean ____________________ seen wearing them , jeans became a ____________________ item of clothing for all Americans . Today Levi's jeans are still one of the ____________________ popular products of American culture .