New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

10. How much is it to the city centre?

5. What kind of courses have you done?

3. So, Have you gotten any plans for the weekend?

8. Hi, are you ready to order?

2. And do you still play the steel drum?

7. Ok. And you're looking for work in...?

6. Have you gotten your form here?

4. Pierre, you didn't like school much. Why was that?

1. Did you have a lot of experience of music when you were little?

9. So how about we organize a barbecue?

I. that depends on the traffic.

A. Well, I didn't like a lot of subjects.

F. It can be tricky because that means that we have to cook meat and a few people are vegetarian.

D. When I was younger there was a lot of music around me all the time.

G. Yes, here you go.

E. Well, yes, as you can see, I've had experience in sales, administration and catering.

H. No, not really, you?

C. I've done some in music, local history and Spanish.

J. I have forgotten some. I would lo to be able to play it again.

B. Yes, I think so... what's the soup of the day?