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Welcome to Lowestoft's oldest museum ( Established ____________________ )

The oldest part of the gallery is the Lowestoft Room . The only picture in the Lowestoft Room not collected by Sir Henry is of ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . The Lowestoft Room was the part of the gallery given to the nation by Sir Henry .

The second oldest part of the Gallery is the Pitt Room . The most famous painting in the Pitt room is the Parsa by ____________________ . This painting is not on display at this time .

The Handsome wing is the newest part of the gallery .

The Handsome wing has the collection of ____________________ ____________________ Statues by Di Pietro can be found in the Main gallery and in ____________________ ____________________ . Posters and postcards are sold in the Tea Room . The Tea Room is in ____________________ ____________________ .

Please do not touch or photograph any of the exhibits
Enjoy your visit !