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Strawberry bush



American beautyberry


White Oak


Partridge pea

Northern red oak


Southern red oak

- Between 82-98ft - Trunk up to 5ft in diameter - 3 to 5 points on leaves

Shown to support the most species out of all oak trees. It provides the most significant food value to a full range of animals.

Seeds are consumed by quail and other birds. It is a host plant for cloudless sulfur butterflies.

Flowering Dogwood

- 90-140 ft in height - trunks are 20-40 inches in diameter - bark appears to have shiny stripes down the center - during autumn its leaves turn rich red or brown

produces a sticky residue which not only protects it from most environmental microbes, but acts as a natural repellent to pests.

- 30 to 70 ft in height - shiny green leaves - fruits are harvested - leaves can be made into tea