New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

Till the cows come home

Under the weather

Tip of the iceberg

Tighten your belt

Up a creek without a paddle

Turn over a new leaf

Throw a curve

Throw in the towel

Turn the other cheek

Under the table

Up against the wall

That's the way the ball bounces

Through the grapevine

Tickled Pink

Touch and go

To give up; to quit

Very risky, uncertain

For a long, long time

To surprise someone in an unpleasant way

Rumors or gossip spread between people

Just a small part of a larger problem

To be delighted; to be very amused or pleased

In deep trouble and can't do anything about it

Sick; not feeling well

To make a fresh start

In secret; dishonesty

To live on less money; to make sacrifices

In big double; in a difficult and desperate situation

To ignore something bad

that's the way life is--we can't do anything about it