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Single braids

Invisible braid

Rope braid

Halo braids

Fishtail braid


This braid is created with two strands that are twisted around each other.

Cornrows are narrow rows of visible braids that lie close to the scalp and are created with a three-strand, on-the-scalp braiding technique.

This braid style consists of two or three long, simple, inverted, thick cornrows created around the head. The extended long braids are then wrapped around the head and pinned. The top crown is left smooth and neat, while the cornrows are pinned around the head.

The invisible braid uses an overhand pick-up technique. It can be done on or off the scalp and with or without extensions.

These braids are free-hanging braids, with or without extensions, that can be executed using either an underhand or an overhand technique.

This braid is a simple, two-strand braid in which hair is picked up from the sides and added to the strands as they are crossed over each other.