New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . I ususally use my ____________________ PC to ____________________ photos on Instagram or to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ to my friends .

2 . I believe that artificial ____________________ has allowed scientists to create the first house robots , such as ____________________ ____________________ cleaners .

3 . I go ____________________ every day because I love ____________________ music , which I listen to on my Mp3 ____________________ .

4 . When I play video games on my ____________________ ____________________ , I use all the necessary ____________________ , such as ____________________ and a ____________________ .

5 . The gadget store replaced my ____________________ phone with a new one , because the one I had bought was ____________________ .

6 . There was a deep sadness ____________________ her cheerful personality .

7 . My friend ____________________ some beautiful photos to the email she sent me to tell me about her holidays .

8 . Robots that look and act like humans ( ____________________ ) may become a ____________________ very soon .

9 . I watched a sci - fi film in which human ____________________ are ____________________ to visit a new planet .

10 . I sprained my ____________________ and I am in a lot of pain .

11 . I prefer using ____________________ with ____________________ screens rather than ones with ____________________ .

12 . It isn't very ____________________ , laying on the sofa all day with a ____________________ control on your hand .

13 . ____________________ everything in life are our friends and family .