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This kind of heat loss occurs when heat is transferred to the surrounding environment. Nurses can prevent this by wrapping an infant or keeping them away from cold parts of a room or house

This type of twins develops from one fertilized egg

This is hyper-pigmentation that occurs mostly on the face in response to hormone changes during pregnancy

Women with a healthy BMI should gain this much during pregnancy

These types of genetic traits need 2 genes in order for them to be exhibited

This type of heat loss can be prevented by warming your stethoscope or placing paper on a cold scale before using it

This is where conception typically occurs

Evaporation is heat loss from water turning into vapor. Nurses can help prevent hypothermia from this mechanism by _______________________

This hormone helps with milk production and also stimulates the uterus to contract. The synthetic form, Pitocin, can be used to speed up labor.

This is hyper-pigmentation that occurs along the abdomen during pregnancy; it will resolve around 6 weeks after birth

This is one benefit of amniotic fluid

An infant near a drafty window can lose heat through this mechanism

This nutrient should be supplemented at least 6 months before pregnancy and helps prevent neural tube defects

This is a late pregnancy concern that can develop because of an increase in platelet production

This is the hormone that maintains early pregnancy until the other hormones can take over. It is also the hormone that is detected in a blood pregnancy test.


Allows symmetrical growth

Fallopian tubes

Thoroughly drying the infant after birth or a bath



Linea Nigra


Folic Acid






25-35 pounds